All posts tagged with wolfenstein

Wolf3D using THREE.JS

June 26, 2017 - Søren Alsbjerg Hørup

I stumbled upon three.js and Javascript 3D library which abstracts away WebGL. I have always been a fan of OpenGL and WebGL, but I recently just wanted to get some 3D stuff to work in the browser without having to deal with the complexity of the WebGL statemachine - and shaders.

Three.js is just this, an abstraction ontop of WebGL which takes care of the lower level stuff while exposing objects such as Geometry, Texture, Material, Camera etc. Getting a 3D scene up and running with correct perspective is super easy if one has a basic understanding of 3D. Typings are also available for three.js, meaning full Typescript support.

For fun, I implemented a Wolf3D engine using the original textures and sprites using THREE.JS. The entire renderer code is less than 220 lines, and this includes alot of copy pasting and commented out experimentation. My guess is that the code could be leaned to less than 150 lines. Source available at GitHub:
