

October 26, 2017 - Søren Alsbjerg Hørup

I was looking for a fast JavaScript vector library and found glMatrix. glMatrix is a Matrix and Vector library with high performance. The high performance is achieved using API conventions, e.g. by avoiding reducing use of implicit memory allocation and by carefully designing the usage of the library.

The lib does not feel natural but I do like that I know that memory management performance will not explode in my face when using it.

Creating a 2D vector is done explicitly by writing

let v = vec2.create();

while adding vectors together is done by

vec2.add(out, v1, v2);

operations such as add, sub, etc. do not enfer any memory allocation what so ever, making the operations fast and without garbage collection at a later time.

The API does feel very ‘C’ like. I really miss the ability of .NET where one can allocate to the stack by using Structs.

Tagged: JavaScript