
Weight loss - from 107.5kg to 96kg

August 22, 2017 - Søren Alsbjerg Hørup

I made a decision to lose some weight exactly one year ago. This was prompted after a one week vacation with too much to eat and too much to drink and the weight telling me that my mass had increased close to 107.5kg!

107.5kg is waaay to much for my measly 189cm height, with a BMI of around 30 I was considered obese and not just overweight. I made a decisions to 1. eat less and 2. get more exercise. My goal was to reach 95kg in one year time.

One year has passed and I nearly made it there. My weight is now 96kg and my BMI has dropped from 30 to 26.9, which is still overweight but not considered obese.

Great Success.

For motivation and for sciency purposes, I decided to weigh myself every single day and record how much I exercised. Google sheets was perfect for this since I could easily input my weight and exercise minutes from my phone in the morning. Weighing was always done right after I left the bed in the morning.


As seen, weight-loss motivation was very high from August until start December. Then Christmas came and the temptations started. But I quickly got back on track with a decent amount of weight loss.

I did not fully reach my 95kg goal, partly because summer vacation resulted in 1 week with eating and drinking, as seen in the end of the graph where my weight spiked.

Regarding exercise, I mostly used my traning bike + a bit of running. On average, I exercised 14min a day according to my data, with a total of 86 hours! Not bad for a beginner!

My total weight loss is 11.5kg close to one kg each month about 30g/day. My next target is 90kg, i.e. 6kg weight loss. With 30g/day I expect to reach this in about half a year / end of january

Stay tuned!

Tagged: Weightloss